Makhosana Mguni (27) and his fiancée Belinda Nyoni (24) who are now affectionately known as the Chicken Inn Couple after pictures of their engagement went viral on social media. The two love birds finally tied the knot in Bulawayo . As promised by Chicken Inn the two were provided with Chicken Inn meals at their Lobola Ceremony.The company managed to provide food for the bride and the guests .
However as Chicken Inn was attacked on Social Media especially on Twitter and Facebook because the bride was wearing Chicken Inn attire on the day. Some people felt that it wasn’t fair that she had to advertise their brand even on her special day.Some even went to say that the 'couple seem to be the property of Chicken inn' .Some comments on twitter read "True, this is wrong in every level, settings like this are for family and creating memories centered on their home @ChickenInnZW we appreciate you kindness but please dont take away the show, let them celebrate their love not you money!" Another comment read "I know the Chicken inn couple won't have the freedom to say it but l will say it on their behalf. Forcing/Making the couple wear its Chicken inn Attire was just wrong on their Big wedding day. This was their big day not a Chicken inn advertisement drama.
However some say that she signed a contract of being brand ambassadors so she was fully aware of what she getting into or rather what they were getting themselves into.